Monday, February 28, 2011


Isaiah 21:6 “For thus has the Lord said to me: "Go, set a watchman, let him declare what he sees."

Isaiah 21 prophesies the impending doom of the great and wicked Babylonian empire. God warns His people not to put their trust in surrounding nations because Babylon is marked by God for ruin. These watchmen are to observe and declare the destruction of Babylon by God.

Last week I spoke about the shaking that is happening in the world today. Babylon is being shaken! The political, financial and religious structures of our day are being shaken by God Almighty. The shaking is not for our destruction but for the salvation of all those who trust is in Him. Like Israel, He warns us not to put out trust in what is around us, for it is marked by God for destruction.

I believe we live in a day when the Lord is looking for watchmen - men and women who will take the time to see in the Spirit what God is doing in this day and hour. We, the people of God, are the watchmen set on the wall by God to declare what we see. We need to lift our eyes off of the Babylonian world and begin to pray and speak forth God’s kingdom and will into the earth. I am reminded of the powerful song by Israel Houghton, “We Speak to Nations.”

Hear the sound
The sound of the nations calling
Hear the sound
The sound of the fathers crying
Who will go for us
Who will shout to the corners
Of the earth
That Christ is King

We speak to nations
Be open
We speak to nations
Fall on your knees
We speak to nations
The kingdom is coming near to you
Oh we speak to strongholds
Be broken
Power of darkness
You have to flee
We speak to nations
The kingdom is coming near to you.

I want to encourage you today to take your place as a watchman on the wall. Don’t just see and declare what the media, politicians and economists see and speak. As you watch and hear the news, speak forth God’s Word, will, and kingdom into the nations today.


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