Tuesday, July 19, 2011

God is in Control

God is in Control

As I was contemplating the changes that are constantly occurring in our world, and the challenges it brings at times to our ministry, I was reminded by the verse below that we can be at peace because ultimately God is in control.

“Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as being in control of everything. Riches and honor come from you alone, and you are the Ruler of all mankind; your hand controls power and might, and it is at your discretion that men are made great and given strength.” (I Chronicles 29:11-12 TLB)

I am also reading through the prophets now in my personal devotions. I love looking at history through the eyes of the prophets, which is a God-perspective on history. We see how God raises up and pulls down rulers and nations. God has not changed! He has a plan and He has never failed. Failure is not in His nature. The heart of the king, (president, prime minister) is in the hand of the Lord, like rivers of water He turns it wherever He wishes.” (Ps.21:1) In the chaos of the political and economic conditions in the world today, we need to affirm God’s Word that “He is the Ruler of all mankind, and His hand controls power and might.”

On a personal level I never cease to be amazed at how God orchestrates our personal lives and ministry and works things out for our good. You may be facing changes and challenges in your life and ministry. Some may appear to be positive, while others may seem to be negative. Our response in both cases depends on our trust that God is still “Ruler of all mankind.” Instead of becoming negative, discouraged or frustrated over these changes, I encourage you to try to remember where God has brought you from, Declare His sovereignty over your life and ministry and ask: “what are you doing God and how do you want me to participate in what you are doing?”

When Israel was in seven years of famine, God spoke to Elijah to go to the brook Kerith and “I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” (I Kings 17:4) Commanded is past tense. The provision was already put in place by God. Elijah simply had to find out what God was doing and participate in His plan.

Lord, “we adore you as being in control of everything.” May God grant you the vision to see His plan and the wisdom on how to participate in what He is doing.

Your brother in God’s service,

Andy Clark

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