Monday, August 15, 2011

Conquering Challanges

Challenge – “A demanding task, that calls for special effort or dedication.” (Webster) We all face challenges in our lives, whether big or small that require a special effort or dedication to resolve.

In Judges chapter 6 we see a man who faced and overcame huge challenges. In the opening scene we see a farmer named Gideon hiding in a winepress from the Midianites trying to thresh out some wheat for his family. He comes from the weakest clan in Manasseh, and he is the least in his family. He doesn’t understand why they are facing these challenges. They are God’s people, and he has heard the great stories of what God has done in the past. But where is God now?

Oftentimes we find ourselves in Gideon’s shoes. We are Christians, joint heirs with Jesus Christ, more than conquerors. We know the promises of God and have heard testimonies of what God has done in the past or in the lives of others. We are living for God, trying to make a living for our family, and do the ministry that God has called us to. Yet, we find ourselves in the winepress, surrounded by the limitations of circumstances, finances, job, family and our own personal limitations. Maybe there are some enemies of our soul that we just can seem to break loose from, or we see some opportunities that we can’t seem to attain.

The great news is that God loves to show up when least expected in the middle of our winepress. Gideon’s encounter with God begins by God declaring over him that he is a mighty man of valor. The God of the universe has spoken. The God who said, “let there be light,” and light exploded into the formless, empty darkness that covered the face of the earth. The God who by the word of His mouth spoke everything into existence spoke into the limitations of Gideon’s life and circumstances and declared who he was created to be. The same creative God has spoken and is speaking over your life and circumstances.

As we read on in Judges 6:14, the Lord turned to Gideon and said, "Go in this might of yours, and you shall save Israel from the hand of the Midianites.” Notice, God does not say to go in My power. God says to go in your power. When God declared over Gideon that he was a mighty man of valor, God empowered Gideon to overcome the challenges and do what God had called him to do.

The key to conquering challenges lies not only in who we are in Christ, but how we respond to God’s declaration over us. Gideon’s test was to tear down his father’s altar to Baal and build an altar to the Lord. Gideon’s obedience to this test opened the door for him to come into the fullness of what God has spoken over his life. We all face things that God asks us to do. Sometimes they are big, but often they are a simple nudge of the Holy Spirit in our every day lives. God calls us to lay down our lives and to press into the impossible that only God can do as we submit to Him.

Remember, a challenge, whether positive or negative, is “a demanding task, the calls for special effort or dedication.” As you dedicate yourself to God and the task He has given you to do, He will empower you by His Word and His Spirit to conquer the challenges in your life.

Andy Clark

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