Monday, June 11, 2012

Highway of the Lord

Isaiah 19:23-25

“In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian will come into Egypt and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians will serve with the Assyrians. In that day Israel will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria — a blessing in the midst of the land, whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance."

As we look out over uprising in Syria, increasing tensions between Iran and Israel, and the elections taking place in Egypt, we need to be inquiring of the Lord what He is doing throughout the Middle East in this day and hour. While I do not lay claim to be an interpreter of prophecy, I do believe we have a responsibility to be aware of the signs of the times and seek God’s face as to our response to what is happening in our world.

As we look at the prophets of the Old Testament, we clearly see that God is involved in the political world, raising up and taking down nations to fulfill His purposes and plans. In Daniel chapter 2, Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of a great statue representing the great empires of history. When God reveals the interpretation to Daniel, his response in Daniel 2:20-21 is,
"Blessed be the name of God forever and ever,
For wisdom and might are His.
And He changes the times and the seasons;
He removes kings and raises up kings;
He gives wisdom to the wise
And knowledge to those who have understanding.”

As we look out over the turmoil in the Middle East, it is hard to imagine the fulfillment of Isaiah 19:23-25, where God is going to create an highway of blessing between these nations. But we need to remind ourselves that we serve a God of wisdom and might, the times and seasons are in His hand, and He removes government leaders and raises up government leaders. We cannot be fearful and should not be indifferent to the turmoil that surrounds us, whether it is at home or abroad.

Daniel goes on to say that our God of wisdom and might wants to give us wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of the times and what He is doing. We cannot allow the world, politicians, economists and the media interpret for us what is going on in our world today. We like Daniel, must seek the face of God for wisdom, knowledge, and understanding regarding how to pray and respond to what is going on around us.

Pray for the elections in Egypt June 17, and for Syria, Iran and Israel. Pray for the highway of the Lord between these countries.  May our God, who spoke light into the darkness, walked on water, and calmed the sea be glorified in us and in the world.

Andy Clark

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