Monday, October 1, 2012

Nation Building

Psalms 127:1
“Unless the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; unless the LORD guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain.”

I was recently part of a fairly extensive political survey. One of the questions asked was, “What is more important to you, moral values or the economy?” They then asked, “How important are moral values to you: not very important, somewhat important, important or very important?”

In the midst of all the political hype and bickering with which we are bombarded by the media in the run up to the US elections, we must be careful that we do not lose sight of what is most important. It is often hard to judge who is telling the truth. What are the real facts, and what is conjecture and political spin? In the midst of all the political ideology, expert opinions and media hype, there is one thing that remains consistent and true, and that is God and His Word.

America is great because it was founded on Biblical values. The moral decay of our nation is the primary cause of the decay of family, education, government, economy, and every aspect of the social and political fabric of our nation. The economy is not the major issue of this election. Biblical and moral values are the major issue of this election. What does God say in His word about marriage, family, the sanctity of life, education, immigration, money, and the relationship of religion and politics? That is where we need to stand and vote for the candidate who most closely aligns with Biblical views. Proverbs 14:34 says, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

As I read through the prophets in my daily Bible reading, I am reminded that God is the one who raises up and takes down nations. God is a nation builder. No nation, no matter how great and powerful, can stand without God. When we abandon God, we abandon the source of life. This is not only true on a personal level, but also on a national level. Christianity is not just a private relationship with God but should permeate every aspect of our lives. Jesus’ entire life revolved around His relationship with the Father. It was not a relationship He practiced just in private but one that influenced every decision and impacted everyone He met.

We are in a crucial time. It is time for the church to stand up and be the church. It is not a time to retreat but to be salt and light in our world. It is time to pray, to speak boldly the unchanging truths of God’s Word in the confusion and darkness of our day. We cannot get caught up in the political vortex, nor can we stick our heads in the sand. We must pray, vote, and take a strong Biblical stand for the salvation of our nation.

Andy Clark

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