Monday, January 13, 2014

Transformational Word

A transformational word is a word that becomes so alive to us that it radically impacts our life and the lives of those around us. Our lives are filled with words but not transformational words. Spiritual pollution robs us of our strength and God-ordained life of victory. While the Scribes and Pharisees spoke from a knowledge basis, Jesus spoke with authority a transformational word and wants to empower us with the same authority.

Transformational authority begins with a radical change in how we think. Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” The Apostle Paul exhorts us in Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” We cannot continue to allow the world to indoctrinate us through the media and expect spiritual transformation. Sunday morning service alone will not produce transformation.  We need a radical transformation in thought consumption.

As you enter the New Year, purposefully carve out some time to spend with God. This time with God does not come easily or naturally but initially requires personal discipline. Hearing the world is easy. Hearing God requires developing a mind that can receive the things of God. Mental transformation comes with not just knowing the Word of God, but also coming into revelation knowledge of the Word that produces a change in our perception and our actions. When the Holy Spirit turns the light on the Word and brings true revelation, it will radically change your life. Spiritual revelation comes through focusing on and meditating on the Word to allow it to trickle down from your mind into your spirit.

As God becomes a greater part of your life, you will find new energy and life flowing from your spirit. Your fulfillment will not come from your performance, appearance, or what others think of you. You will find a new level of love, joy, peace and patience in your life that will be astounding. This new life will not come by your effort but will flow out of your growing relationship with God, the author and sustainer of life, and life more abundantly.

This transformed mind will enable you to discern what is good and evil. Paul goes on to say in Romans 12:2 that with this renewed mind you will ”prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” You will begin to see things as God sees them and respond in faith and confidence as Christ did when He walked on the face of the earth. God is not depressed by world conditions because He has overcome, and He wants us to overcome. We need to quit listening to the pundits of the world and allow the Holy Spirit by the Word to renew our mind so that we have the mind of Christ.

May you be encouraged today to launch out on a journey of transformation in 2014.

Andy Clark

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