Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fathers in a Fatherless World

We live in a world that is in desperate need of fathers, both naturally and spiritually. Statistics in the US show that today twenty-two million, or four out of every ten homes, is fatherless. People are desperate for a father in their lives, someone they can trust and to whom they can turn and know that they will be there for them. I believe there is a call on the church to step up and be fathers in their community or place of influence. Even though this word is a call to fathers, the Biblical principles are just as important to mothers.
1 Thessalonians 2:10-12 says, “You are witnesses, and so is God, of how holy, righteous and blameless we were among you who believed. For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.” NIV
Fatherhood is first established by who we are and not what we do. Paul lays out some basic characteristics for us as fathers. We are to be holy. This is not a call to perfection but a commitment not to compromise and to be quick to deal with sin in our life through transparency and repentance. People are looking for real fathers, not ones who are faking it.  Being holy is not about being perfect but being honest.
We as fathers are to be righteous and blameless. Righteousness has to do with our relationship with God the Father. He is our ultimate example of fatherhood. Being an effective father requires that we must walk in communion with Him and obedience to Him. The mantle of fatherly authority is only possible as we submit to the Father of all. Being blameless is not perfection but a constant awareness that we do not live unto ourselves. Our lives are a living example of God the Father to the world and especially to those in our area of influence.
As fathers, we need to be constant encouragers, speaking affirmation and value into those around us. In a world that promotes wrong values we need to affirm right values. I have heard it said that the church has lost its moral authority to speak into the world. As fathers, we must live holy, righteous, and blameless lives in order to earn the authority to be a father in someone else’s life.  As a father we need to bring comfort to those in need and crises. Being a father requires us to lay down our lives for another, being there for them even when it doesn’t fit into our schedule.
As a fathers, we must urge our sons to walk worthy of God. Walking worthy is not about a list of does and don’ts but about bringing your sons in relationship to God and enlarging their vision and faith in who they can be in God. God is calling us to be fathers in our home, church, place of employment and community. Today, become a father to someone who is desperate for a father in his life. Often times we feel inadequate as fathers, but the Father of fathers dwells in us by His Spirit to enable us to be the father He has called us and empowered us to be.
Andy Clark

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