Monday, April 1, 2013

Gone Fishing

My parents were missionaries for thirty-five years. We would be on the field for four years and then come home for a year. While we were in the US, the organization with which they were affiliated would set up and itinerary of church where my father would speak for about six weeks in the fall and six weeks in the spring. When we were young, we would travel as a family, but as we got older and had to be in school, my father would travel by himself. Once when he was itinerating in the Northwest, he drove three hours up into the mountains to speak at a small church. When he arrived, the parking lot was empty and on the door was a note signed by the pastor which simply said, “Gone Fishing

In Luke 5 we read a story where Peter has been fishing all night, probably with his two brothers, James and John. In the morning while they are washing their nets Jesus arrives with a multitude, and he gets in Peter’s boat to teach the multitude on the shore. When Jesus is finished ministering, he does a strange thing by asking Peter to, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." Peter objects because he has been fishing all night and caught nothing. He is a seasoned fisherman who has fished since his youth for a living. Jesus didn’t know anything about fishing, plus Peter was tired. Yet, Peter out of respect to Jesus, does what he is asked. The result was so many fish they were breaking his net and he had to call for help. Both boats were so full of fish that they were almost ready to sink. Amazing!

Jesus wanted to teach Peter, James, and John, and ourselves as well that He is the master of everything. We often relegate Jesus and the Holy Spirit who lives within us to spiritual things, such as preaching and teaching, prayer and worship, church and missions. We picture Jesus in a long robe, walking in sandals on dusty roads in ancient times. Somehow, he is out of step with the modern times in which we live. We have had the training and experience and know what we are doing in the work and business world. But Jesus wants us to invite him into our everyday life. He is a master at everything and is in fact light years ahead of us. The Holy Spirit who dwells within us 24/7 is a genius and wants to inspire, direct, and instruct us in every aspect of life, if we will simply take time to seek His face and be attentive to His voice in our everyday life.

Jesus says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:29-30) A yoke is a posture of full submission to Christ. It is saying, “God you know what is best, and I will do things your way, even though sometimes it makes no sense to me.” It is being obedient to the Word even when it seems to flow contrary to modern thought, trends, and practices.

When the Holy Spirit comes and knocks on the door of your heart, don’t let Him find a sign that says, “Gone Fishing.” You will go home with empty nets.

Andy Clark

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